Dice games are a really simple but effective activity that will be sure to get your residents engaged. These are a couple of simple games that I have used in a memory care setting and find that many residents are able to participate and follow along. I personally like to play dice games in a circle setting and use these giant inflatable dice. I use a whiteboard to keep track of the score. In any of these games you can either have each team use two dice or just one. I like to just use one die (1-6) for memory care and two dice (1-12) for those who are ready for more of a math challenge.

Add em up
Winning Requirement: Whoever has more points at the end.
Set up group into two teams.
The first person on team 1 gets to roll the dice. Once they roll, add their number to the team total. Have residents do the math.
Switch to the first person on team 2 and continue adding their numbers to the team totals.
After each person on both teams gets a chance to roll, add up the full total and whichever team has more points wins that round.
Play for several rounds and see who wins best out of 5 for a longer activity.
First to 50
Winning Requirements: Whoever is the first team to get to 50 points.
Set up group into two teams.
The first person on team 1 gets to roll the dice. Once they roll, add their number to the team total. Have residents do the math.
Switch to the first person on team 2 and continue adding their numbers to the team totals.
Continue for each person on both teams until one team get a total of 50.
Whoever is the first team to 50 wins that round. Alternately, you can play multiple rounds or go for 100 or 200 instead
Don't roll a one! (Or don't roll doubles)
Winning Requirements: Whoever has more points at the end.
Set up group into two teams.
Each person on the team gets to roll the dice. Once they roll, add their number to the team total. Have residents do the math.
The team keeps going until they roll a one (for one die games) or doubles (for two dice games). If they do roll a one or doubles, then the next team has a turn.
Go for a set number of rounds, I like to do 3 rounds.
Whichever team has the most points after 3 rounds wins!
"X" the Numbers
Winning Requirements: Whoever can roll all the numbers once.
Set up group into two teams.
Set up the whiteboard into team one and team two columns.
On each side of the whiteboard, write down numbers 1-6 (for one die games) or 2-12 (for two die games)
The first person on team 1 gets to roll the dice. Once they roll, see if they can claim one of the numbers on the board. "X" out their number on the board if its a match.
Switch to the first person on team 2. Once they roll, see if they can claim one of the numbers on the board. "X" out their number on the board if its a match.
Continue for each person on both teams until one team can "X" all their numbers.
